This is an appeal on behalf of MadameSG's cushions: Cruelly neglected, these soft victims of abuse have only days to live. Possibly hours. They are stained, ripped, clogged with dust, regularly found discarded onto the hard filthy floors and, when they do get selected for human interaction, farted on.
Just £3 a month could save these squares of comfort. If we could raise a significant sum of money MadameSG's tyrannical regime of arsiness could be tackled and, in time, erased completely.
Slowly fade to colour and perkier music...
For if enough ordinary kind people donated just £3 a month MadameSG could be persuaded to shift her lardy backside and pick the bloody things up and even change the covers.
We know flumping them daily is still a long way off but with small steps we can change the world.
Thank you for your generosity.
Together we can make the living room a comfier and less gravyfied place.